
Growing up is hard to do...

As I sit here on the couch of what has become my second family, I find myself longing for the days where I had minimal responsibility.

I know that those days are long gone and I must accept my age and my journey into adulthood.

I won't lie, I am more than excited to see where God is leading me and what amazing things He has in store for my life. But it's the thoughts of school debt and finding a "real" job that have me anxious, nervous and hesitant.

I understand that growing up and moving on with your life is not only necessary, but also one day enjoyed.

I feel at this very moment, I find myself not only in between couch cushions, but also in between milestones in my life. Those milestones being graduating college and becoming a moved-out-of-the-house, career-having, tax-paying member of society. And all of this coupled with finding where God wants me, can be quite tiresome.

So as I take this journey, I hope you enjoy reading my blog as I attempt to adequately document it.

Thanks! Prayers welcomed!

Mascot saved by grace.


  1. i'm not at all sure how i stumbled upon your blog. i think i got a little click happy.

    something i've struggled with lately is constantly thinking of the future without lending myself to it. without thinking too heavily on the pressures of society, "adult living", and whatnot... and embrace the present.

  2. Thanks! That helped alot! :) Hope you continue reading!
