
Siting in the Polar Bear listening to commercial-free Monday on 106.1 KissFM is not a bad place to be. :)

Alright!! Another Monday in the books!! :)

Hope everyone had a great day!

Mine consisted of working at the ol paint store from 8-2 then got off and watched Brazil beat Chile in the FIFA World Cup, then swam a little bit until the storm clouds came and boasted of a storm.

I was treated to a steak dinner by the Phillips'. It was wonderful! :) Thanks guys!

Now, I'm waiting for Chris to show up to work out. The night, while humid, is not too bad. Siting in the Polar Bear listening to commercial-free Monday on 106.1 KissFM is not a bad place to be. :)

Today was pretty much just a chill day. Nothing really happened, which I'm beginning to see as a good thing.

Long for the boring, for the chaos will find you soon enough.

Still excited about Rock Haven in a week! Spoke to a few of those already there today and it only fueled my excitement! :)

Not sure what tomorrow holds. Work til 2, then hopefully watching the Portugal vs Spain soccer match! :) And if my wishes come true, Portugal will come out victorious! :)

We shall see.

Ok so I'm going to go back to waiting for Chris.

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow! :)

Prayers welcomed!

Mascot saved by grace.

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