
Proud beyond measure.

I am cold. I am hungry. I am worn smooth out.

This has been the weekend of the 30 Hour Famine. I am absolutely beat.

Along with the youth I am privelaged to lead at my church, I have sustained from eating since breakfast Friday morning. Added to the no eating, starting at 6:30 Friday evening, we met the kids up at the church for the actual 30 Hour Program.

The program is designed to raise awareness and funds for world hunger.

It is 5:32am and I have just woken up from inside the cardboard house me and my "tribe" constructed in the parking lot of the church.

This has definitely been an experience I will not soon forget. We have approximately 6 1/2 hours left until lunch and the end of the fast.

I am proud beyond measure of my kids who chose to do this. It makes me happier than ever to know that the kids I have nearly constant contact with are living for God in such a way that most teens will never know.

My weekend had just begun. I still have the some 6 hours of the famine remaining, after that has ended then I begin editing and producing the video of the event to show Sunday morning. Then Sunday is my grandparents' 50th anniversary.

Not to mention, my "little brother/best friend" is in this weekend from the Air Force and I really hope we get to hang out. I fear that won't happen, but I tryst God knows best! :)

I am cold. I am hungry. I am worn smooth out. But, I am loving it!

It's hard, but it ain't the cross!

Prayers welcomed!

Mascot saved by grace.

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