
random randomness

I really am at a loss of what to say tonight. I'm not necessarily feeling or thinking anything. Just sitting here feeling as if I need to blog something. I'm just going to write.

I really like the jingle for KFC...hate the chicken, LOVE the jingle. "g-double-o-d good"....genius.

I would really like for this weight loss thing to hurry up and happen. I realize I didn't gain the weight over night, so the loss of is isn't going to occur that way either. It's just that I feel like I've hit a wall. a really hard and unapologetically unable to move wall. I'm sure if I continue working out the way I do, it will happen. Just going to take some time. I would like to think Chris James for continuing to inspire me and push me to keep up the good fight. I appreciate him a lot.

I'm watching Mrs. Doubtfire. Which in and of itself isn't really blog-worthy statement except that I'm watching it on AMC. I don't know, just doesn't seem like it should be on that channel yet. Maybe I'm just getting old.

I really wish television as a whole would show more "King of the Hill" reruns. That would be great.

Alright, well that's all I got. Later.

Prayers welcomed.

Mascot saved by grace.


A Daunting 3000 Photo Exploration

Yesterday was a pretty good day for the most part.

It began with me taking nearly 3000 photos from the past year from our church for the purpose of a 2010 retrospective video for a fellowship at my church Saturday night. (www.authenticlifefellowship.org)
-It's going to be a daunting and tedious task to complete the video, but it WILL get done. haha
-Yesterday my little brother Austin got his driver's license. Very proud of him.
-Went and worked out around 11am. Not a bad workout. Just kind of the normal routine.
-Went back home and dove back into the video creation process.

I was approached yesterday by a guy I went to college with about a possible business venture of starting up a publication. He asked me to come on as the designer of said magazine and to say I was excited would be like saying Roosevelt was just "excited" to bomb the Japanese after Pearl Harbor. It has been my dream to do work in magazine design and this seems like it could be a pretty cool adventure. This friend is one that I respect and would love to work with on a professional level.

Then I went to church, and it was a recharge like it normally is. Jimmy's (pastor) message was about Bathsheba and King David's lover's rendezvous that ended with an illegitimate child and the death of her husband at the hands of David. The discussion was to kind of go in between the lines of the well-known story and look more at the side of Bathsheba. It was interesting.

After church I went and worked out again. I'm telling you, this whole working out thing is making a difference. At least that's what people say. I agree with them for the most part, but it's a slow process and I knew it would be, but it's one thing to know something and another to be able to deal with it and accept it. But isn't that the case with so much in life?

I found a band called, "The Afters". apparently in the world of Christian music, they are pretty well-known and I had been behind the curve, but I like them all-the-same. They have a particular song called "I am Yours". Very good song.

Most of the songs are about the after process of coming to the Lord, which makes sense with their moniker being "The Afters". While listening to the tracks I was reminded of a certain someone who has recently come to the realization that they need God in their life and chose to let God love them and work in their life. Big fan of this person. I'm humbled that they would come to me, but honored that God would allow me to be there for them.

Alright, enough writing now on to work on this video. Wish me luck.

Prayers welcomed.

Mascot saved by grace.


How do you value your life?

So when you go about how to value your life, what do you think of? I understand that most of the time we look at things such as wealth, relationships, fame, etc. But what I'm talking about is looking at your life in a way that you may never have.

Who looks up to you? Who's life do you impact? What are you doing to make your life more Godlike and make a bigger impact on others lives for the better? These are the questions I implore you to turn on yourself like a magnifying glass.

I am blessed beyond any form of belief to be living the life I am. to see where I have come from to see where I am now. I am not where I ultimately want to be, but with time, I know that God will lead me there.

I am pleased to be able to consider myself a tool for the Lord. I have said it before, and I mean it now as much as ever, I am humbled to believe that there are people who look up to me and watch me and how I live my life. Absolutely humbling.

I am not writing this so that I can boast on myself and make you think better, but rather to thank those who I look up to. Because if it had not been for those people, I would not be the kind of person I am today. It is a crazy thing to think that I am making a difference in another life. I just pray that my life always represent God and be a life worthy of someone to follow because of my desire to follow Christ.

So I close thanking God for being my everything and those who I choose to look up to and model my life after. And I plead to those who look up to me, let me know if my life ever becomes a hindrance  to your walk with Christ.

Prayers welcomed.

Mascot saved by grace.


the end to yet another day in the life of CG

Song playing: "Oklahoma Girl" --Eli Young Band

Alright, the end has come to yet another day in the life of Cody Giles.

So, last night was a great night. I was reminded why it is that I strive to live the life I do. And of course, referring to the SHORT leash my God keeps on me, it occurred SHORTLY after my last blog posted. There ya go.    :)

Worked this morning from 8-2. I am beginning to think that I need to stop complaining about my life so much. I know that seems like a bit of a "no kidding" statement, but I really do a lot of complaining, even if only in my head. My life isn't anywhere near where it's going to be one day, but I'm living in the here and now. And while I am preparing for the future, I feel I need to live each day in the present to its fullest. No, I am not trying to be over-philosophical, just making a statement.

I went and saw The Social Network today and I have to say that I was pleased. The story was quite an interesting one. I'm not completely sold on the accuracy of the "facts" presented, but all in all, an entertaining flick.

I have a busy week ahead of me:
Tues: Volleyball practice at 6.30
Wed: film Week 2 NFL game-balls results, then church
Thurs: not quite sure yet, still a "?"
Fri: I feel like there is something for this day, but at the moment, I'm drawing a blank.
Sat: Shooting the wedding of one of my best friends, Kelli Pollard (soon-to-be-Ford). I really am anxious about shooting weddings, especially those of my good friends.

And Lovebug's birthday party is coming up on the 23rd. SO excited. I have been able to keep her present a surprise and a secret since Feb. Quite proud of that fact. I am so excited to FINALLY be able to reveal it.   :)

OK. I'm calling it a night.

Prayers welcomed.

Mascot saved by grace.


Feeling a void.

I am void of something. Maybe someone. Who knows? God. Obviously. But He's yet to feel me in. Maybe he has. Maybe I don't get it. Maybe I'm too stubborn to listen, or too jumbled. I don't know.

I had a great day today with my little brother Austin. We ate at Genghis Grill and then went to the Harbor then to some random clothing places.

The Rangers and the Cowboys lost. Bad sports day.

I'm sitting up at Stbux waiting for Micah to get here and just chill.

I need to do something with my life. That much is CERTAIN. I feel absolutely lost. Insecure. Inept. Unable to make that next step. I don't know where to go from here.

I just feel as if there are eyes watching me, waiting for me to do something. Something with my degree. And I should. But how? Where? When? I "know" that I "can't" leave Greenville right now. I feel like I have a role here. A purpose. A calling at the moment. My church, my little brothers, and the other families I have contact with. I love them to the very core of me.

I was reminded two weeks ago, by a great friend that there will NEVER be a "perfect" time to leave. And it COULD be that I'm scared. Scratch that....I AM terrified. I don't know what to do. At all.

My fear is fueled by insecurity. Period. Bottom line. I don't feel up to it. It's something that I've battled my entire life. And it's something that I need to give to God. I really do. And I feel like I have in some way. But I still feel like sometimes it controls me. It wrecks me. I can't run fast enough from it. It's ridiculous. I HATE it.

Ok, so I'm done for the night.

Prayers welcomed.

Mascot saved by grace.


Praying for that pregnant hitchhiker lady...

Song playing:
"Until the End" -Norah Jones

The time has come for me to really start making big life decisions. I'm 23, and ready now to go off on my own, to fly the coop, leave the nest or any other aviary cliché there is about growing up and moving on.

This realization has been one that I've tried not to think about in hopes I would cease to grow or fly past milestones, but alas the time has come.

Ok so that's what's on my mind, anyway, this weekend has been great!

Friday: work til 6 then movies/pizza over at Chris & Ellisha's....Happy Gilmore then Gladiator! :)

Saturday: work til 2 then watched some Hulu and then went over to the Phillips' pre-fireworks, then fireworks, then back over to the Phillips'! :)

So, today, there was a lady, a pregnant lady, on the side of the road hitchhiking...I wanted to give her a ride and help her, but with the world being what it is, I was afraid to pick her up alone. So, I called Jeff Phillips (haha... you may recognize the last name) and picked him to go give her a ride. And by the time we got there, she was gone. I'm hoping someone with a good heart picked her up. I just hope my fear for being accused of misconduct or car jacked ( I know she was pregnant, but a gun can be quite convincing) didn't cause me to miss out on an opportunity to help her.

So, tonight my prayers go out to God for that pregnant lady today. I pray that she is safe and not scared or hurting.

Hmmmm....going to bed, gotta set up for church in the morning. After church we are loading The Beast (the sound system) for Rock Haven. We leave Monday morning at 7:30am. I am so very excited! :)

Alright, goodnight! :)

Prayers welcomed.

Mascot saved by grace.


Not a bad week so far! :)

This has been a pretty great week so far.

Monday: work, soccer/swim

Tuesday: work, Stbux, then saw Grown Ups with Jacob and Austin

Wednesday: lunch with Kayleigh, then went and saw Eclipse, then Stbux where we no doubt scared this girl just trying to read a book :), church, food, then out to the Cano's where I spent the night

Thursday: got to see Mathew for the first time in 2 weeks (he went to FL), hung out at his house all day, then saw The Last Airbender (not bad at all), then the bowling alley to watch people bowl and then convo in the parking lot

So far, it's been a great week. I'm excited about tomorrow night's movie/pizza night at Chris and Ellisha's...nothing really planned yet for Saturday and nothing really nailed down for the 4th either.

Super excited about going and serving at Rock Haven Bible Camp in Hasty, AR next week! :)

Ok, I'm gonna go get some sleep (work at 8 in the AM)!

Love you guys!

Prayers welcomed!

Mascot saved by grace.


Siting in the Polar Bear listening to commercial-free Monday on 106.1 KissFM is not a bad place to be. :)

Alright!! Another Monday in the books!! :)

Hope everyone had a great day!

Mine consisted of working at the ol paint store from 8-2 then got off and watched Brazil beat Chile in the FIFA World Cup, then swam a little bit until the storm clouds came and boasted of a storm.

I was treated to a steak dinner by the Phillips'. It was wonderful! :) Thanks guys!

Now, I'm waiting for Chris to show up to work out. The night, while humid, is not too bad. Siting in the Polar Bear listening to commercial-free Monday on 106.1 KissFM is not a bad place to be. :)

Today was pretty much just a chill day. Nothing really happened, which I'm beginning to see as a good thing.

Long for the boring, for the chaos will find you soon enough.

Still excited about Rock Haven in a week! Spoke to a few of those already there today and it only fueled my excitement! :)

Not sure what tomorrow holds. Work til 2, then hopefully watching the Portugal vs Spain soccer match! :) And if my wishes come true, Portugal will come out victorious! :)

We shall see.

Ok so I'm going to go back to waiting for Chris.

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow! :)

Prayers welcomed!

Mascot saved by grace.

Been too long...recap episode!

So, it's been a while since my last post, but I hope to get more on the regular with posting. Fingers crossed. Haha! :)

Ok so what's happened since my last post?

-BP spilled a bunch of oil...
-I got my first cavities/fillings EVER!
-I'm now -55 pounds since December
-I've raised all my money for the Jamaica mission trip in August
-I've turned 23...
-Apple unveiled/released the new iPhone 4 and the new iOs4...not bad at all.

I'm sure there's tons else that has happened/occurred/went down, but that's all I could think of at the moment.

I leave for Arkansas next Monday for a week to serve as a counselor at a camp. I am so very excited. We got to spend time with these students when they came earlier this month for their student leaders for training. Great group of kids.

Summer has officially begun and with it has come sun, swimming and soccer.

I know this post is reading quite randomly and a bit like a bad recap episode of a sitcom, but like I said, I'm going to try and get more regular with my posts!

Love you all and have a great day!

Prayers welcomed!

Mascot saved by grace.


right smack dab in the middle of God's Will on the Phillips's couch

So this weekend has been a pretty great one! It started out kind of slow on Friday when I was at home by 9:30. It is rare I see my house at that early of a time.

It's funny, I pray for God to keep me from spending so much money and He answers by keeping my life free of "doing stuff" that would cost me money and I feel lame because I have "nothing to do". Maybe one day I will learn to see God when he answers my prayers an blesses me. Haha. One day.

I worked this morning from 8 to 3 then got to spend some time with my little brother, Michael, in from the Air Force. Not near as much time as i would have preferred, but I know that eventually we will. Just have to be patient.

Then I headed to my GA's house for her birthday shindig. I had an absolute blast spending time with her and the people that were out there. I really enjoyed meeting the people that fill her life at UNT with so much joy.

And now here I sit at one of my boys Jacob's house while he sleeps, waiting on his parents to get home. He didn't feel comfortable going to sleep alone while his parents helped out at his sister's prom. Haha so here I sit.

To think about the influence that God has allowed me to have in his life, as well as the other kids at my church is quite humbling. I wouldn't have it any other way.

In the morning we head back to the Civic Center for morning services and back into a routine, which is a welcome change.

So here I sit, right smack dab in the middle of God's Will on the Phillips's couch. Haha I love you Lord! :)

Prayers welcomed!

Mascot saved by grace.