
Praying for that pregnant hitchhiker lady...

Song playing:
"Until the End" -Norah Jones

The time has come for me to really start making big life decisions. I'm 23, and ready now to go off on my own, to fly the coop, leave the nest or any other aviary cliché there is about growing up and moving on.

This realization has been one that I've tried not to think about in hopes I would cease to grow or fly past milestones, but alas the time has come.

Ok so that's what's on my mind, anyway, this weekend has been great!

Friday: work til 6 then movies/pizza over at Chris & Ellisha's....Happy Gilmore then Gladiator! :)

Saturday: work til 2 then watched some Hulu and then went over to the Phillips' pre-fireworks, then fireworks, then back over to the Phillips'! :)

So, today, there was a lady, a pregnant lady, on the side of the road hitchhiking...I wanted to give her a ride and help her, but with the world being what it is, I was afraid to pick her up alone. So, I called Jeff Phillips (haha... you may recognize the last name) and picked him to go give her a ride. And by the time we got there, she was gone. I'm hoping someone with a good heart picked her up. I just hope my fear for being accused of misconduct or car jacked ( I know she was pregnant, but a gun can be quite convincing) didn't cause me to miss out on an opportunity to help her.

So, tonight my prayers go out to God for that pregnant lady today. I pray that she is safe and not scared or hurting.

Hmmmm....going to bed, gotta set up for church in the morning. After church we are loading The Beast (the sound system) for Rock Haven. We leave Monday morning at 7:30am. I am so very excited! :)

Alright, goodnight! :)

Prayers welcomed.

Mascot saved by grace.


Not a bad week so far! :)

This has been a pretty great week so far.

Monday: work, soccer/swim

Tuesday: work, Stbux, then saw Grown Ups with Jacob and Austin

Wednesday: lunch with Kayleigh, then went and saw Eclipse, then Stbux where we no doubt scared this girl just trying to read a book :), church, food, then out to the Cano's where I spent the night

Thursday: got to see Mathew for the first time in 2 weeks (he went to FL), hung out at his house all day, then saw The Last Airbender (not bad at all), then the bowling alley to watch people bowl and then convo in the parking lot

So far, it's been a great week. I'm excited about tomorrow night's movie/pizza night at Chris and Ellisha's...nothing really planned yet for Saturday and nothing really nailed down for the 4th either.

Super excited about going and serving at Rock Haven Bible Camp in Hasty, AR next week! :)

Ok, I'm gonna go get some sleep (work at 8 in the AM)!

Love you guys!

Prayers welcomed!

Mascot saved by grace.